The Evolved HealthCaring™ 
Thought Leader Program
Phone: +1-207-221-5349
Start your 
Evolved HealthCaring™ 
Thought Leader Journey right here!
It could be the most important thing you do 
for your career - and your financial future.

Access Your New Thought Leader Career
Blue Print Video
For Health Care Professionals Only
Evolve From a 12-hour/Day Paycheck
To 24/7/365 Automatic Revenue Generation
Discover The Amazing System That Health Care Professionals Around The World Are Using To Create Authentic Thought Leader Status As Well As Significant Recurring Revenues
This system is generating Health Care Professionals just like you thousands of dollars in recurring revenues - in as little as 90 days. Equally as important is the fact that you can achieve this without having to increase your One-on-One patient visits, without having to work 12 to 30-hour shifts, and without the paralyzing interference from insurance, government or management. * Just think what this could mean for your future!
* Disclosure - The depicted experiences are not always typical. Your background, experience and work-ethic may differ. This is simply used as an example and not a guarantee of success. We can not track the typicality of all of our students success. Your results may vary.
  • Discover Strategies to still impact the health and lives of people around the world with your knowledge, without always needing to deal with insurance companies and government regulations.
  • Create Significant Income without working longer hours, from any location in the world, and doing it all with just a laptop computer. 


++ Our Revenue Secrets Blueprint: Gain an instant understanding of just what is possible for you to achieve

++ The Proven 9-Step Program Tour Video: Learn the details of how to get started right away

++ Your Immediate Registration: Receive a FREE Private Consulting Session and instant access 
Mike DeLuca
Michael DeLuca has devoted over 45 yeas exploring new and innovative ways to serve healthcare practitioners, patients and organizations in order help them find new and creative ways to grow. From the late 1970’s to the early 1980’s he helped spread a powerful new paradigm of cooperation and service delivery in the field of Physical and Vocational Rehabilitation. Mike worked with hospitals, rehabilitation centers, government agencies and leading businesses and universities to reach new levels of ideation and cooperation. As a result, of this work, tens of thousands of disabled workers were rehabilitated, trained and placed into competitive employment around the world.

In the late 1980's and 1990's, Mike worked with municipal and state governments to assist their Fire, Police and EMS departments in dramatically reducing response times to emergencies as well as prevent fatal traffic accidents on the way to the emergency or hospital. This helped save thousands of lives, as well as prevent millions of dollars in property damage, traffic accident and medical lawsuits.

In the 1990's and 2000's Mike assisted physicians and scientists to bring their groundbreaking products, technologies and educational programs to the world through the mediums of radio, television, Internet, newsletters, catalogs, retail distribution and workshops. He served as co-host for a nationally self-syndicated alternative medicine radio show. He has presented talks and workshops around the world and has appeared on over 750 radio, television, podcast and magazine interviews around the world.

In the realm of animal health, Mike assisted thousands of Veterinarians, Practice Managers and Technicians in bringing advanced Digital Prescription Management and Online Pharmacies into their practices as well as helped the spread of Integrative Veterinary Medicine Practices and cutting-edge products and treatment technologies around the world.

As a Performance Improvement Consultant, Mike has helped large companies and governments identify Billions of dollars of opportunities for improved efficiency and Millions of dollars of cost savings. He has helped entrepreneurs manifest the businesses of their dreams and small business owners go from struggling to thriving in record time.
He is a very popular Subject Matter Expert that is sought after by healthcare practitioners and organizations, Investment Research Firms, Investment Companies and Consulting Groups. His transformational work with people of all ages on six continents has earned him the title of “Honorary Chief” in several countries, and a place of honor, love and gratitude in the hearts of everyone he touches.

As Founder, his work with Integrative Wellness and Development LLC, the Evolved HealthCaring™ Thought Leadership Program™, and The Your Nine Steps℠ Program for Goal Achievement Mastery is creating powerful opportunities, and financial security for healthcare practitioners, their patients and practices.

Schedule a free private strategy call with Mike to explore how you can benefit from his wisdom, talents and experiences - today!

Here is What Our Clients are Saying About Us

Semerit Strachan, M.D., M.P.H., 
Pediatrician, Behavioral Pediatrician, Public Health Administrator, Consultant, Lecturer, Artist and Coach

"When I began my journey with Mike DeLuca and The Evolved HealthCaring™ Thought Leader Program, I was really surprised. I had no idea just how many different opportunities there were to combine my years of professional medical experience, with my love of speaking, teaching, coaching and ART! After just a few months of working with Mike, I was leading online webinars, workshops, classes and coaching sessions. Mike helped me turn my art exhibits into guided personal development journeys and even give presentations to The United Nations and, major universities and government agencies. 

Mike has a rare combination of being a deeply insightful coach, a powerful instructor and a generous provider of hands-on technical and marketing assistance. He quickly identified beliefs, behaviors, and habits that were really holding me back. He then gave me logical strategies to replace them with productive disciplines and processes. Because Mike only works with a small select number of clients at a time, the personal attention he gave me helped me leave behind all of the soul-crushing stresses of my previous medical career and replace them with doing all of the creative things I really love to do, while still having a powerful impact on the health of my clients - and - my financial bottom line!

I emphatically recommend Mike DeLuca's Evolved HealthCaring™ Thought Leader Program as your next step, whether you are looking to grow your current practice's revenues -or- you are thinking of retiring from your practice. Either way, it will help you to continue to make a difference in the world - and earn a significant amount of ongoing income as well."
Robin Linster, D.C., D.A.C.B.S.P., I.C.C.S.P., C.C.E.P.
Chiropractic Physician, Sports and Injury Rehabilitation Specialist, Former Volunteer Member of the USA Olympic Medical Team and Instructor
“I was floundering in the demands that come with growth and success of a new medical practice, even though this was not my first rodeo. As I created this new practice, I wanted it to truly grasp and reflect to the world my vision. Mike DeLuca and his Evolved HealthCaring™ Thought Leader Program is the amazing amalgamation of vision work and tactical implementation. Together we developed the framework and processes which are in alignment with the big vision I hold. We identified and connected three key aspects: the experience I want my practice members to have, the values I hold for the business of my dreams as well as my personal life, and the day to day processes and thinking that occur as a business develops and grows, which if not monitored, can be self-limiting if not harmful. 

The tools I now have help me worry less, problem solve faster and expand my consciousness to include opportunities previously unconsidered. I am thankful to have discovered Mike and The Evolved HealthCaring™ Thought Leader Program. As I start Act 2, I have great appreciation for the wisdom of his experience and his insightful approach to the aligning of my vision, purpose and execution as I build out my dream.

I am grateful for his coaching, online courses and unique personal development tools. They have guided me through practice growth in the midst of the Covid Crisis, and helped me thrive while enduring many business and health challenges. In addition to sound business council, it helped me silence self-doubt and old self-limiting influences from my past. This enabled me to create space for a greater sense of purpose and measurably improved results.

I am so grateful for how Mike DeLuca has shared the struggles that have occurred in his life that led to the greatness of his heart and wisdom. I endeavor to pay it forward – every day!”   
NOTE: Dr. Linster served as a volunteer member of the U.S. Olympic Medical Team and her testimonial is solely reflective of her opinion and does not imply any endorsement by the U.S. Olympic Medical team.
Jocelyne Durand, M.Ed., N.D., A.B.W.
Author, Consultant, Speaker, Coach and Expert on Dealing With People With Difficult Behaviors
"Mike DeLuca is a seasoned business coach with a global approach and an incredible set of tools that he brings in his training and consultation. He is deeply committed to making his clients succeed. He never hesitates to walk the extra mile for his client when the situation requires it. He brings great ideas and strategies and offers a well-planned and sustainable program tat ensures business success and personal growth. I can witness that in the last year, with his help, I was able to not only create the infrastructure needed to make my new business a success, but also to build a solid foundation for my personal growth. Mike's profound and skilled approach will benefit anyone serious about succeeding professionally and personally. I strongly recommend him and his Evolved HealthCaring™ Thought Leadership Program."
“One of the first steps I took when deciding to become an author and corporate speaker was sit down with Mike DeLuca. He wasted no time in helping me to develop a powerful vision of what was possible for my future, while training me in specific strategies when it came to promotion, stage presence and the business structure I would need for ROI. I credit Mike for setting me on the right path to where I am today. On your journey to achievement, you will need a sherpa to take you up the mountain. Mike DeLuca is that sherpa. I highly recommend his coaching programs.“

- Brad S.
TedX Speaker, Author, Podcast Host, International Consultant
“Working with Mike DeLuca has been nothing short of amazing. His approach and style are unlike any other coaching experience I have had, and it’s all for the better. Every session left me feeling excited, motivated, and hopeful. I had a plan of action, a toolbelt of aids to help me through the inevitable obstacles of entrepreneurship, and a deeper understanding of my strengths and how to use them. He has helped me take my small business to a different level not only financially, but also in respects to the impact I leave in my community and with my clients. My gratitude for Mike and the effort, energy, compassion, and insight he brings to his work is immeasurable. My original goals all revolved around my business and yet I came away with gains to all aspects of my life. Thank you, Mike, for the immense impact you had on my life over the course of our sessions and beyond! “

- Nicole Willett
Owner - Nicole Willett Fitness - Personal Fitness and Nutrition Advisor
Copyright© 2023, 2024 Integrative Wellness and Development LLC. P.O. Box 85 Kennebunk, ME 04043
All rights reserved. Evolved HealthCaring is a program and protected name owned by Integrative Wellness and Development LLC©.